Note: currently on hold due my upcoming exams. Priorities!

In order to up my Japanese pronunciation and become more fluent in Japanese text recitation, I’ve tried getting acquainted with vlogging in Japanese. I’ll (hopefully) publish weekly videos of myself narrating a newly posted news article published on one of the mainstream Japanese newspaper websites, using a classic streaming-style set-up so any potential viewer can read along.

If time permits, I’ve found it a fun exercise to try and translate the article as well as create subtitles (maybe I should try fan-subbing some anime or drama one of these days, if I ever find the time, that is~).

As this will become a weekly thing I won’t be posting new blog-articles for every single video I do, but feel free to follow me on twitter or subscribe to my YT channel. For now it’s limited to these narrations and (wip) music, but actually I’ve always wanted to try actual vlogging and/or podcasts.... Maybe it’ll happen one day (when I’m studying abroadかな~).


Week 9: 殺人未遂容疑

This Mainichi Shumbun article is another one related to JR. A guy tried to push two people of train platforms in Osaka and is now wanted for double attempted homicide. The original article can be found on Mainichi Shimbun (線路に63歳女性突き落とす 男逃走 大阪). As usual I’ve included English subtitles. (22/11/16)

Week 8: JR山手線

This week’s article is on a small accident on the JR Yamata line caused by a overheated cellphone charger. The original article can be found on Mainichi Shimbun (JR山手線 車内で携帯充電器が発煙). As usual I’ve included English subtitles. (22/11/16)

Week 7: 織田信長とアルベール一世

Due the Brussels Japanese Speech Contest this weekend I didn’t record any news articles, but instead uploaded a recording of my speech entry. I’ve posted the original speech in Japanese, as well as an English translation on these blogs: Japanese & English! (27/11/16)

Week 6: PTSD治療

This one’s an article on a possible treatment to PTSD. The original article can be found on Asahi Shimbun (恐怖の記憶、書き換える技術開発 PTSD治療に効果か). As usual I’ve included English subtitles. (22/11/16)

Week 5: トランプ氏

This time I’m reading a Nikkei article on Trump’s first public interview since his election as President of the USA. The original article can be found on Sankei News (トランプ氏、犯罪歴(はんざいれき)ある移民(いみん)強制送還(きょうせいそうかん) 最大300万人}}). (14/11/16)

Week 4: トヨタの電気自動車

My fourth reading is on a Toyota press-release regarding its policy on electrical vehicles. The original article can be found on Sankei News (トヨタ、電気自動車(でんきじどうしゃ)を量産 平成32年までに本格参入…バッテリー性能向上で走行距離改善). (08/11/16)

Week 3: 渋谷のハロウィーン

This week’s newspaper article is a report on the pre-Halloween festivities around the shopping districts in Shibuya, Tokyo. The original article can be found on Sankei News (「安倍マリオ」効果か? スーパーマリオ仮装売れ行き好調 週末の渋谷(しぶや)ルポ). As usual I’ve added subtitles in CC. (30/10/16) (not sure if that’s a bad angle or if I should really lose some weight soon…)

Week 2: くまモン

My second vlog is a bit more light-hearted and covers the history of the famous Kumamoto Prefecture character Kumamon, again covered in an Asahi Shimbun article: くまモン、やせていた「過去」 失敗糧にキャラ再設定. Subtitles are available in CC. (23/10/16)

Week 1: ブラック企業

My first vlog is on the ブラック企業(きぎょう), the so-called Japanese Black companies. I’m reading the Asahi Shimbun article ブラック企業、見抜くには…転職者から情報、離職率調査 and attempted my own translation as seen in the subtitles (I’ve added them as soft-subs in YouTube, so you can (de)activate them at will).2 (16/10/16)

  1. Photograph of my desktop set-up. My voice-recorder is a Blue Snowball model. 

  2. The beginning of the video is a bit rushed, sorry!